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Port Moody development’s rent-to-own program helps condo buyers on pathway to ownership
The developer of a condo project in Port Moody says he’s overwhelmed by the response to a program that will allow 30 prospective owners to roll the rent they’ll pay on their new units for two years towards the unit’s purchase price.

Rent-to-own helps condo buyers on the pathway to ownership
A unique rent-to-own plan for a new condo development in Port Moody will allow 30 local buyers to rent their unit for two years, with the money going towards their downpayment.

Port Moody ‘rent-to-own’ condo scheme overwhelmed with demand
For 30 families in Port Moody, it will be like winning the lottery. Starting next month a unique path to home ownership will be launched that partially removes the biggest obstacle: a down payment. A new condo development near Rocky Point Park is being marketed to buyers with a unique twist. Just under ten per cent of the 358 units will be considered rent-to-own.

Rent2Own: Buying yourself time to home ownership
Panatch Group of Richmond is developing a condo complex in Port Moody that will offer 30 one- and two-bedroom units to first-time buyers, under a rent-to-own program.